Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Third stage

38km today, and about 30km of soft sand. Torture.
When we were out of the dunes we were running in flat sandy valleys. Such hard work. There was one amazing climb up a massive rock mountain, and despite being a mamoth climb,it was great just to have a break from the sand! one of today's highlights for me was running through a village and having these beautiful little girls hold my hand and run with me. So sweet. I had an upset stomach today, which limited how much I could eat, and hence my energy levels. I hope I am feeling better tomorrow - I am trying to work my way through some bland foods tonight, so I will see how that goes. Long stage tomorrow, 81km, so you won't be hearing from me until the day after.
Thanks so much for the emails! Wish me luck for tomorrow... ine


  1. Yay! Glad to here its going well! It sounds like it has been a tough leg. Hope you feeling better! :)

  2. Happy Birthday for the 7th Ineke. I hope you are doing well in the Marathon. Love Auntie Irene xoxoxo

  3. Happy Birthday Ineke!! It'll be a different way to spend your birthday but good luck on that long leg. Mum xxxx

  4. Oh happy Birthday Ine - I think you are probably finishing right about now - am thinking of you
